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2020.01.18- 展覧会「DESIGN ZOO 〜いのち・ときめき・デザイン展」


京都dddギャラリー 第224回企画展
Design ZOO: いのち・ときめき・デザイン展

kyoto ddd gallery The 224th ExhibitionDesign ZOO—Life meets design
January 18, 2020 – March 21, 2020

動物園は「自然の窓」。自然を知り、学び、考え、国の文化を現すさまざまな教育の場としての動物園。動物園は、子どもが取りこぼしのない最高水準の教育を受けられる場であり、ボトムアップからの環境教育に貢献できる資源豊かなビジュアルフィールド。本展では、数多くの動植物園のグラフィックデザインに携わってきた嵯峨美術大学教授の池田泰子の知見を通して、現地体験とリンクする“身近で新鮮な”グラフィックへの扉を開きます。『京都市動物園』をイメージした生物多様性保全を学ぶシンボルツリー、ギャラリー内を持ち歩ける動植物由来の素材が入った万華鏡、動物の実際のサイズを体感できる飛び出すサイン、動物たちの生息域を学ぶジオラマ、生態系を感じるゲームといった作品が嵯峨美術大学のプロジェクトによって、「Design ZOO」として京都dddギャラリーに現出します。


日時 1月18日(土)15:30-17:00
出演 大森正夫(嵯峨美術大学教授)、池田泰子(嵯峨美術大学教授)、竹内オサム(嵯峨美術大学准教授)、坂本英房(京都市動物園副園長)、田中正之(生き物・学び・研究センター所長)
会場 京都dddギャラリー

The kyoto ddd gallery is showing “Design ZOO—Life meets design” , which is centered on a graphic design project as part of the Department of Design at Kyoto Saga University of Arts.
A zoo is a window on nature. It functions as an educational place where people encounter nature and have the opportunity to study and consider it. A zoo also speaks to the culture of a country and is a place where children are able to get a thorough environmental education of the highest standard. The zoo is a resource-rich visual field for building an environmental education from the bottom up. This exhibition introduces novel, approachable design linked to real-world experience through the expertise of Yasuko Ikeda, a professor at Kyoto Saga University of Arts who has been involved in design at multiple zoos and botanical gardens.
The university project “Design ZOO” has culminated in this exhibition at the kyoto ddd gallery with such works as a symbolic tree inspired by Kyoto City Zoo that teaches about biodiversity conservation; a kaleidoscope filled with elements derived from plant and animal sources to use while walking around the gallery; trick visuals that spark interest in animals; signs with life-sized animals that seem to leap out at the viewer; dioramas that show animals’ natural habitats; and a game that explains ecosystems.
Lastly, we would like to thank many people—Professor Masao Oomori, Professor Yasuko Ikeda, and Associate Professor Osamu Takeuchi of Kyoto Saga University of Arts as well as the sophomores and juniors at the university whose works make up part of this exhibition, and the many individuals who assisted with this project including those involved with Kyoto City Zoo. Our hope is for this exhibition to encourage people to engage with and see the possibilities of graphic design, not only for zoos, but also for children’s museums.

